Case Study / 180° Assessments

The Largest Division of a Fortune 200 Company Works to Up-Skill Members of Their R&D Core Teams


The organization decided to make a deliberate and significant  investment in its product development teams.  They did this to increase effectiveness and ultimately speed of these team—to get products to market faster.

To drive this, they created a program targeting new members of these teams.  They identified the core skill of influence as the focus.  This five-part process was based on Finerty Consulting’s Cross-Functional Influence (XFI) model.


A collaborative approach between Finerty Consulting partners and the client was determined. Using the XFI model, the organization enlisted leaders and experience team members and team leaders to highlight stories, success criteria and enhance business acumen.

Finerty Consulting’s role was four-part:

  • Conduct Cross-Functional Influence (XFI)180 for all cohort participants for all cohort participants
  • Individual one-hour coaching sessions for each participant
  • One-day learning simulation which includes crafting and influence strategy for a real-life influence opportunity
  • Analyze the aggregate data to understand not only gaps, but create a “profile” of the successful influencer on the teams based on data that indicates importance of each item on the assessment.



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